Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend sports

Its been a busier weekend than most in the T family. young J is involved in a multisport intercountry school event over in 6th October City and spent Thursday over there playing football -scoring a wonder goal by his own account (now verified by reliable watching mum). They came a creditable 4th. Friday (1st day weekend) he was off doing triple jump and relays. At the same time Young T was involved in a rugby tournament that we did get to see as it was just over the road at one of the Egyptian schools. Theres not many rugby teams in Cairo (1, in fact, the one he is in) and in Egypt not a whole lot more (Alexandria, and one of the schools). Therefore they played one game against proper opposition and then split into three and had some more games. T was very impressive playing scrum-fly-prop-hooker-front or back row blindside wing (you can see Im not a rugby person, and during rugby games I get to know how Mrs T feels during a game of cricket or American Football, "whys he doing that?" and "what's the ref blown for this time?" and "why do they keep stopping?"). He did really well, first time we saw him playing properly and from an unbiased father-like point of view he was one of the best on the pitch as he understands positions and drawing men before passing (something he noted the french kids not doing!). Inbetween all this we (Mrs T, P and T) played the nine hole and P got up at the crack of dawn and played the fantastic championship 18 hole golf course (I got my value for money shall we say! took a few more shots than normal, but had some good holes as well). Young T is playing football for the school today in a tournament and J is off to the awards ceremony and dinner disco for the competiton. As for me and Mrs T theres a sofa and a TV remote control with our names on it. Roll on work - I need a rest!

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