Friday, March 25, 2011

I am the Passenger.....

Day 1 of my photo-essay "from the passenger seat". Well actually me just sitting taking a few snaps whilst on my way to work of anything interesting, or for that matter normal.

Here 6 images from my travels.....

Before the revolution speed camera started to sprout like mushrooms along the ring road, causing great amounts of screeching and slowing down to 90km/hr for 50 metres before everyone accelerated away. They were actually making a positive difference. Unfortunately clearly now nobody takes any notice whatsoever of the camera, and they are obviously not in us. The only blind flash these days are the regular crashes of two more more cars. This camera looks like it has been hit, or maybe vandalised. In the background is Festival shopping centre rising from the sands.

IKEA, Toys R Us, Carrefour, rumours of Marks and Spenser......its more excitment than the ladies of Kattameya can take.....
Mubarak Police Academy (Im resisting obvious jokes) now renamed.

Many cars have two number plates now (and many have none!) The red one in window says 25th January (day of the revolution) and these are sold as stickers that many cars now have..
A "typical" car in Cairo - not that there is such a thing, but this has many characteristics, lack of fully working lights, a slight damage, no hubs, sticker in the back window, a collection of ecletic stickers over the body work, in this case spongebob, play girl and apple!

My favourite photo of the day. I have seen this image many times and want to photograph it properly one day however many of the times I see it occuring at military fences where photography is not a good idea. Vast "herds" of plastic bags get blown by the wind around the city and end up flattend against the fences. Heres one I took as the sun went down.

Hope you like em, Ill post some more later as I might be going off to Damascus next week to attempt a double evacuation :-[

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