Friday, January 14, 2011

Wandering Damascus, just me and Mr Nikon

With a couple of hours off work ,and the family safely back in Egypt (not sure how safe with riots and bombings) I was able to wander around town with the camera on Friday morning. There were coach loads of Shia muslims in groups heading for the mosque, they were obviously not from the big city (I heard later they were rural Iranians). Whilst they were waiting for the Mosque to open I sat and watched the Hawkers try to sell their wears to them.

Socker seller

A flock of ladies wait for opening time

Later I walked back through the main souk and then found a nice little area I had never seen before, with no tourists, selling dates, olives fish and veg.

The Ladies selling Headscarfves.

Souks shops, bedspreads, dates and prayer beads

Spices and olives


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