Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sitting outside a cafe having lunch

yesterday in Maadi in the 24 oC winter sun, the snow of the Xmas visit to the UK seemed a long time ago. If you have ever lived there you will know the first actually smallest flurry of white stuff normally brings the UK to a halt - but this was actual snow, out of which you could make actual snowmen, actually sledge on, and have actual car accidents with (not us but outside the house). We had at least 8 inches, sorry Brussels but snow will always be in inches, up yours Delors, one night and 5-6 the next. No sledge meant we had to improvise and a plastic underbed box top more than surficed to go with the family. We all met up on Christchurch Park hill and let gravity do its bit - fantastic. Of course this was all happening at the same time as the global warming meeting in Copenhagen, typical eh, so every skeptic was coming out of the woodwork...

Some photos of Suffolk in the Snow

and our wee house.....

The northern lights....or is that........the sun???

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you got back ok, and Happy New Year to you all. Have tried and failed to Skype and say hello, but can't get through. Hope 2010 brings all that you wish for. It was good to see you over Christmas. We had more snow overnight on New Year's Eve, but not as much as before Christmas, and a few showers today. However, they're predicting that we'll get a lot more again this coming week. Enjoy the sun!!
    Sue xx
