Saturday, November 13, 2010

Random images from our Sakkara visit

An unchanging scene for millenia

Go donkey, go

Cut palm branches

Beautiful date palms

Oncoming camel train

Red Pyramid, Darshur

A drunks view of the red pyramid with nice clouds....

The Bent and Black pyramids from the Darshur

The Bent pyramid from the edge of the Red one

Donkey slipstream

He makes one hellava paella

Dinner for Eid...not long now....

The Step Pyramid sad doggie

Drunks view of the Sakkara pyramid


The posing TeTe Pyramid doggie

The Step Pyramid

Hijab mulcher rental

Winners of the Sakkara donkey Derby

Typical roadside scene, plus van carrying foam....

Popped down the shop for some milk....

Carrot delivery

Meat delivery

HSE advisors look away now, building a new mosque

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