Frankly I forgot all about, the damage was not spotted at check out by Mrs T (no one would have) so I kissed my 50 goodbye. Then company sent me one of those post-rental questionaires...."how did we do?" So we let em have both barrels, telling them I paid but was not happy and that I was more unimpressed with the way we were treated.
Eventually I got a further email from Mrs Snotty in Customer Services, with pdfs of the check out slip signed by Mrs T and the quote from Bashem and Bodgeit Repairs saying it would indeed cost 50 bigguns to repair.
Not one to take this lying down I replied back, wishing my 50 quid good bye but telling customer services they might like to read the letters of complaint once in a while as there was no mention of our service - which was the main thrust of our complaints.
Anyway somehow that Whinge got to Mr Everso Concerned, a senior customer manager who agreed they did not address our concerns and as a gesture of goodwill refunded 50 notes.
Funny how lifes small victories against the big corporations make you feel good. Both boys on sleepover so we are going to blow our money on a Thai meal down in Cairo....!
moral of the story - don't ask for your customers opinions.....:-)
Serves them right..............I hope you had a good meal out and raised a glass to them!! Well done for taking them on.