Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Ranch

Well the Ranch is up and running, most cardboard boxes are unpacked and the contents liberally spread between rooms. The size of the house is now starting to hit us and our list of potential furntiure purchases is ever expanding. Most things are getting done although we are 1 restroom down (have to make a choice from the other 6) and we are a knob short on the oven (insert your own jokes here). We have managed over the last couple of days holiday (2nd Eid) to get a few plants and carpets to make things homely. Heres a few photos of the house and garden to show the progress............

The living room, with the "Hubbard Gallery" wall

The Office of Cartouche cards

General views, Mrs T for scale (5ft 3in at a stretch)

Back and front doors

Small kitchen and the Xbox arena

Garden and en suite golf course

more to follow when we have reduced my bank balance to 0!
Still no internet at home so reliant on Starbucks/lunch time at work.....

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