Thursday, December 31, 2009

Back in the Sun

Landed back in to Egypt last night after a Christmas at home with the folks. Trouble with this global warming malarky is all the snow, we had 8 inches in Witnesham, unheard of, and scuppered our golf everyday plans. Ahmed Da Driver thankfully brought the Pajero as we had significantly more luggage than when we left, unfortunately Ahmed parked right next to a policeman in the no parking zone right outside the ariport and we got a fine (40EGP ~ 5 quid), welcome to Egypt! Well its cheaper than parking at Heathrow!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Penalty shoot out video

For all those who requested the video shot by one of the parents, here it is...

Joe taking the first high pressure penality....

all level and Sarah steps up to take the final penalty.....

its, 2-1, they need to score to keep the match alive, but Ali saves........

Saturday, December 5, 2009


This weekend saw the end of season tournament at the Cairo youth soccer. Coach P and Js team, Everton, had not lost all season and had won the unofficial league (the kids kept the score even in the league didn't) . They won 2-0 in the first match, played a very good side the semis and beat them 2-1, J scoring a free kick to win the game after going 1-0 down and then had top play Arsenal in the final in front of a crowd. Match was tight and went to penalities. We won the toss, Joe took the first one, and put it away beautifully. They scored, Sherif missed, Aly saved, Sarah scored and that left the last kick, which Aly saved resulting in us finishing the season unbeaten and tounament winners.

Ts team were not up to much, but did manage one win in the tournament. T played well in goal as he was recovering from a chest infection and scored a cracking penality by all accounts.

Will try and post video later......

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Card Touche off the Ground

Mrs T feeling particularly smug with herself after making 2400 pounds for the Orphanage at the Christmas Bazaar the other day. Heres a couple of photos she took prior to being nearly cleaned out by money-rich, christmas-card poor expat wives.......

and some examples.....all orders gratefully accepted!

Murder in Kattameya

I do not think it was Colonel Mustard with his lead pipe in the Billiard Room, Im willing to be its that Kestrel (?) lunching on a pigeon in the back garden.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ball Buster

Some of the indiginous flora does not take kindly to little boys blasting football at its trunk.....
T looking slightly perturbed....ouch!

The Ranch

Well the Ranch is up and running, most cardboard boxes are unpacked and the contents liberally spread between rooms. The size of the house is now starting to hit us and our list of potential furntiure purchases is ever expanding. Most things are getting done although we are 1 restroom down (have to make a choice from the other 6) and we are a knob short on the oven (insert your own jokes here). We have managed over the last couple of days holiday (2nd Eid) to get a few plants and carpets to make things homely. Heres a few photos of the house and garden to show the progress............

The living room, with the "Hubbard Gallery" wall

The Office of Cartouche cards

General views, Mrs T for scale (5ft 3in at a stretch)

Back and front doors

Small kitchen and the Xbox arena

Garden and en suite golf course

more to follow when we have reduced my bank balance to 0!
Still no internet at home so reliant on Starbucks/lunch time at work.....